Privacy Policy

Last updated: July 31, 2023


I am DoctorBool. The owner and operator of the following websites and mobile applications:

  • DOCTORBOOL.COM website;
  • PINVERSE.WORLD webpages and mobile applications;

For the purpose of this privacy policy, i refer to the above as my “services”. References in this privacy policy to “i”, “me”, “my” are references to DoctorBool.


When you use my services, i process your personal information. The following privacy policy explains how and why.

I based my privacy policy on United States law and the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") privacy law.


I process the following categories of personal information about you in connection with my services

Account and identity information Any information about you that i use to identify you in connection with your account and my services, such as your name, email address(es), passwords, and other identification information, e.g. your user ID for the account through which you are accessing my services.
Activity information Any information relating to your game-related activities on my services, such as the Adventures you own and have played, as well as the ratings and reviews you’ve added, the date and time that you finished the various stages of an Adventure or logged a particular geocache through QR or NFC, as well as logbooks or uploaded photos, game statistics, standing compared to other users on a leaderboard , and the rewards (both offer and earned).
Browsing information Any information on your browsing behavior while using my services, such as your IP address, time and date of access, and use of my services.
Device information Any information related to your mobile device, among which the unique identifier for your device, such as UUIDs, Apple and Android IDs, analytics app instance IDs, and install IDs, your device type, device specifications, and crash data, your IP network, version of my apps.
Location information Any information that allows me to determine or approximate your location. I may be able to determine your general location based on the IP address you use to access my services. I collect your search data, including the latitude and longitude of any location-based search you perform either intentionally or via the automatic search of your current location that is performed when you open my applications. While my applications do access your precise location while you are using them in order to enable your use of them, i do not store that information or process it for any additional purposes.
Community information Any information you provide to me when you interact with, or post content to, my community such as participation in discussion forums or when you write a note to another user on their cached page.
Contact information Any information that can be used to communicate with you, sach as email address.
Correspondence Any information you provide to me through correspondence with me (e.g., by email or via my Help Center), such as any opinions you share with me, any survey responses, your comments and questions, and your feedback.
Membership information Any information regarding your active membership, including whether you are Basic or Premium, the date you joined and last visited the site, and whether your account is validated.


The purposes for which i process your personal information are below, along with my legal bases for processing as required by GDPR. (See Article 6(1)(a)-(f) of GDPR if you’d like to know more about the specific legal bases for processing.)

How do i use your personal information? What categories of personal information do i use? What is my legal basis for using your personal information
To provide my services to you and to administer your account with me.
  • Account and identity information
  • Membership information
  • Profile information
  • Location information
  • Activity information
  • Other account information
  • Performance of a contract with you, e.g.:

  • administering my services
  • Pursuing my legitimate interests in:

  • making my services available to you
  • providing you with all features that you have requested
  • providing a more compelling game experience
  • To allow you to communicate through any of my communications services.
  • Account and identity information
  • Membership information
  • Contact information
  • Performance of a contract with you by enabling you to send or receive messages through my communications services.

    For my own internal business purposes related to my services and operations, including market research, website and mobile application optimization, to improve my products and services, for record-keeping, as evidence in connection with a potential legal issue, back-ups, and data storage.
  • Account and identity information
  • Membership information
  • Profile information
  • Location information
  • Correspondence
  • Activity information
  • Community information
  • Device information
  • Browsing information
  • Pursuing my legitimate interest in:

  • improving my services
  • developing my business
  • maintaining my business records
  • ensuring that my services are secure and functioning properly
  • efficiently handling my business processes
  • Your consent, if requested and provided.

    To verify your identity
  • Account and identity information
  • Other account information
  • Performance of a contract with you, e.g. authenticating your identity. Pursuing my legitimate interest in ensuring that my services are secure and only used by authenticated and authorized users.

    To update you on changes to my services, this Privacy Policy, or my Terms of Use and other administrative communications.
  • Account and identity information
  • Membership information
  • Contact information
  • Performance of a contract with you, e.g. providing you with relevant non-marketing commercial communications. Complying with my legal obligations.

    To provide promotions with my partners, such as sponsored Adventures.
  • Account and identity information
  • Contact information
  • Activity information
  • Pursuing my legitimate interest to develop my business. Your consent, if requested and provided.

    To investigate any complaints, restrict access to my services, or communicate with users who have violated my Terms of Use or otherwise violated my rights or the rights of others
  • Account and identity information
  • Membership information
  • Contact information
  • Location information
  • Correspondence
  • -->
  • Activity information
  • Community information
  • Device information
  • Browsing information
  • Pursuing my legitimate interests in:

  • ensuring appropriate conduct in connection with the use my services
  • enforcing my terms of use and other agreements that i have in place
  • protecting the rights and freedoms of my users and other third parties
  • To verify your location
  • Location information
  • Pursuing my legitimate interests in verifying your location when you participate in Pinverse activities and to ensure i am sending you information that is relevant for your location.


    I do not share or sell personal information about my users, except under the following conditions:

    Recipients Categories of personal information Our legal basis for sharing your personal information
    Other users
  • Account and identity information: alias
  • Membership information: membership type and date account was created
  • Activity information
  • Pursuing my legitimate interest in:

  • providing you with the public features of my services that you have requested
  • maintaining a historical record of game-related activity
  • enhancing the community-oriented nature of the game
  • Legal authorities, such as:

  • law enforcement
  • May include contact information, profile information, activity information, and location information; the type varies depending on the nature of the request
  • Access only as necessary for the purpose
  • If i am required to by law Our legitimate interest in combatting abuse; in prosecuting crimes; and in securing, establishing, and enforcing claims

    Merger and acquisition partners

    law enforcementIn the event that i wished to sell my business or reorganize my company, i may need to share your personal information with potential buyers or the new entity.

  • May include all categories of personal information
  • Shared in accordance with this privacy policy and applicable data protection law
  • My legitimate interest in changing the corporate structure of my business

    Map Providers

    To enable map functionality

  • Location information (however, you are not identifiable – the information is not linked to your account)
  • Pursuing my legitimate interest in making my services available to you


    If you reside in the EEA, the UK, or Switzerland, my use of your personal information is governed by the GDPR or applicable EEA, UK, or Swiss national laws. These grant you the following rights:

    • Right of access (Art. 15 GDPR): You have the right to request me for confirmation on whether i am processing your personal information, and access to the personal information and related information on that processing (e.g., the purposes of the processing, or the categories of personal information involved). You also have the right to access your personal information, by requesting a copy of the personal information about you.
    • Right to rectification (Art. 16 GDPR): You have the right to have your personal information corrected, as permitted by law.
    • Right to erasure (Art. 17 GDPR): Subject to the requirements of Art. 17 GDPR, you have the right to request me to delete your personal information, as permitted by law. This right may be exercised among other things: (i) when your personal information is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed; (ii) when you withdraw consent on which processing is based on your consent and where there is no other legal ground for processing; (iii) when you object to processing that is necessary for my legitimate interests (pursuant to Art. 21(1) GDPR) and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing, or when you object to your personal information being used for direct marketing purposes (pursuant to Art. 21(2) GDPR); or (iv) when your personal information has been unlawfully processed.
    • Right to restriction of processing (Art. 18 GDPR): Subject to the requirements of Art. 18 GDPR, you have the right to request the restriction of my processing under limited circumstances, including: when the accuracy of your personal information is contested; when the processing is unlawful and you oppose the erasure of your personal information and request the restriction of the use of your personal information instead; and when you have objected to processing that is necessary for my legitimate interests (pursuant to Art. 21(1) GDPR) pending the verification whether my legitimate interest overrides your grounds.
    • Right to data portability (Art. 20 GDPR): Subject to the requirements of Art. 20 GDPR, you have the right to receive the personal information that you have provided to me, in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, and you have the right to transmit that information to another controller, including to have it transmitted directly, where technically feasible.
    • Right to object (Art. 21 GDPR): You have the right to object to my processing of your personal information, as permitted by law. This right is limited to processing that is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller or processing which is necessary for the purposes of my legitimate interests (Art. 6(1)(e) or (f) GDPR), and includes profiling based on those provisions, and processing for direct marketing purposes.
    • Right to withdraw consent (Art. 7(3) GDPR): where i process your personal information on the basis of your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. However, such withdrawal does not affect the lawfulness of the processing that occurred prior to such withdrawal.


    You can choose how your information is shared by adjusting your account Settings or by opting out in the following circumstances:

    • By accessing your account and navigating to your account Settings, you have the ability to adjust various privacy settings and update specific personal details, which includes removing information from your profile and deleting your geocache logs. If you wish for certain information to be deleted, you can also get in touch with me via the webform provided on my website.
    • If you prefer not to receive newsletters or marketing messages from me, you can click on the “unsubscribe” link located at the bottom of the email or message received. Additionally, you may customize your email preferences through your account Settings.
    • If you decide not to receive emails from me related to specific geocaches, you can modify your settings by logging into your account and removing those geocaches from your Watchlist or Lists. Kindly note that you cannot deactivate notifications associated with geocaches owned by you.
    • If you have previously given consent to me for the use of your information, you retain the right to withdraw this consent at any time. This will affect any future use of your information by me. Unless otherwise specified in this privacy policy, you can opt-out by following the instructions provided by me, adjusting your account Settings, modifying your email preferences, or by directly contacting us.

    Contacting me to exercise your rights

    If you desire to exercise any of the aforementioned rights, require assistance in doing so, or have inquiries concerning them, kindly utilize one of the provided methods in the "How to Contact Us" section.

    Personal information processed when you exercise your rights

    I hereby handle the personal information you provide when exercising your rights under Art. 7(3) and Art. 15 through 22 of the GDPR. This processing serves the dual purpose of ensuring compliance with these rights and enabling me to demonstrate such compliance. This processing is carried out in accordance with the legal basis stated in Art. 6(1)(c) of the GDPR, in conjunction with Art. 7(3) and Art. 15 through 22 of the GDPR.

    Right to lodge a complaint with the competent data protection authority

    If you reside in the EEA, UK, or Switzerland, you retain the right to file a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority concerning the my gathering and utilization of your personal data. For further details, kindly get in touch with your local data protection supervisory authority.


    If you have any inquiries or concerns regarding the use of your personal information by , you can reach out to using the contact details provided in the "How to Contact Us" section. will promptly respond to your query and provide assistance as needed.

    If you wish to lodge a complaint about the handling of your personal information by , we encourage you to first contact . However, if you prefer to contact your data protection supervisory authority, you have that option as mentioned above. For more information on how to get in touch with the relevant data protection supervisory authority, please feel free to email or contact .


    I shall retain your data solely for the duration required to fulfill the particular purpose or purposes for which i collected or utilized them, as per this privacy policy.

    Account deletion

    If you decide to permanently delete your account or if you explicitly request the deletion of any of your personal information, i will proceed with deleting your account and/or assisting you in deleting the requested personal information. Due to the interactive nature of the game and user interactions, you will be responsible for taking all necessary steps to facilitate the deletion, including managing or removing any geocaches you own, deleting your logs, and disabling your account. I will then promptly finalize the deletion process. Based on the structure of my systems, in some cases, it may take up to 30 days for records to be deleted or overwritten. In certain circumstances (outlined below), i may retain your personal information for an extended period.

    As the game involves the use of a cellular data plan or GPS device and requires the ability to travel to geocache locations, my services are not intended for individuals under the age of 16. If you are a parent or guardian and discover that your child under the age of 16 has an account that was not created and managed by you, please notify me via email or other means, and request that i delete that child's personal information.

    Account Inactivity and Data Retention

    If you decide to discontinue playing or temporarily deactivate your account, without requesting me to permanently delete your account or personal information, i will retain your information for as long as necessary to maintain the game's integrity and ensure the enjoyment of other players. Your geocache and trackable logs, along with any associated images, will remain part of the historical record of the geocache or trackable unless you choose to delete them. In case you have provided personal information or content that other users need to use in connection with our services (for instance, information about a specific geocache you've logged or placed, if you've relocated or logged a particular trackable, or if you've left instructions or goals for a certain trackable), i may keep that information as long as required to continue providing the services to our other users. However, you always have the option to delete such information if you wish to do so. We understand that users may take breaks from the game and return at a later time, which is why we do not automatically and permanently delete your account and personal information if you stop playing or temporarily deactivate your account. In such cases, I might reach out to you to inquire if you'd like us to permanently delete your information. Nevertheless, if your account remains inactive for a period of three years, we reserve the right to delete your account without prior contact, particularly if you created the account but never engaged in any other game-related actions.

    Kindly note that once your account and personal information have been deleted, it cannot be retrieved. Unless you request us to permanently delete your account and personal information, as specified above, i will retain it until you decide to reactivate your account. We will securely store your data in accordance with this privacy policy.

    Retention of Information for Specified Purposes

    If you have provided me with personal information for a specific purpose, i will retain your personal data for the duration required to fulfill that purpose. Specifically:

    • If you have provided address information for a competition entry, i will keep this information for the period necessary to administer the competition, typically about a year.
    • I will retain your contact details if you have an account with me or if i believe you might be interested in marketing messages, offers, promotions, or new services. You always have the option to opt-out of receiving such messages. Should you choose to do so, i will remove you from my email marketing lists as soon as possible, but within 10 business days.
    • If you have posted content in the online discussion forums, i will retain that content for as long as i consider the topic to be relevant. After this period, i may delete or archive the post.

    In certain circumstances, i might find it necessary to retain personal data for a period exceeding the time frame required for the initial purpose of collection. Such circumstances take into consideration the following factors:

    • Compliance with legal obligations under applicable laws that mandate the retention of personal data for a specific duration (e.g., adherence to tax and accounting regulations).
    • The need to establish, exercise, or defend legal claims (e.g., for potential dispute resolution purposes).

    If any applicable law necessitates me to retain your personal data, i will keep your information for the duration stipulated by that law. Furthermore, i may retain your personal data based on my legitimate interests, such as the requirement to maintain accurate records of my business activities.


    I have put in place various security measures to safeguard your information from loss, misuse, and unauthorized alterations. I ensure the security of your account information by requiring a password. To maintain the confidentiality of your data, it is imperative that you keep your password private and refrain from sharing it with others. I and my payment card processors employ transport layer security (TLS) to encrypt the credit card information you provide, thereby enhancing its security during transmission.


    A cookie is a small text file that is downloaded and stored on your computer, mobile phone, or similar device when you use my websites. I use cookies and other similar data collection technologies on my websites and – to a more limited extent – on my applications when you access mobile responsive pages on my websites.

    The cookies i currently use are available for review in the Cookies section of your account Settings on the website and at cookies.

    Information I Collect Using Cookies

    I collect the following information from you:

    • The date and time you use my websites.
    • Information about your browser, system, or device configuration.
    • Your IP address.
    • Your interactions with my websites and the pages you visit.

    Disabling Cookies

    Depending on the laws in your location, you may have the ability to choose which types of cookies you wish to accept through the tools i provide. You may also use the tools in your browser to decline, disable, or delete cookies. Declining or deleting certain cookies may limit functionality of my services. For example, you will still be able to log on as a member if you decline or delete my cookie that enables automatic recognition. However, many important features of my websites will not be available (e.g. you will not be able to log a geocache if persistent cookies have been disabled). If you disable the session cookie for my websites, you may remain on the site, but you will not be able to use Shop Pinverse and access certain other content. On some user profile pages and geocache details pages, account holders have used links to third-party sites to display content. In some cases, these third-party links may have associated cookies. Due to the volume of such content, i may be unable to identify all of these cookies or provide the ability for you to disable them. Please consider browser-based cookie blocking if you wish to block these types of cookies.

    Types of Cookies I Use

    Strictly Necessary Cookies

    Strictly necessary cookies help make my websites usable by enabling basic functions like page navigation and access to secure areas of the websites. The websites cannot function properly without these cookies.

    Preference Cookies

    Preference cookies enable my websites to remember information that changes the way the websites behave or look, like your preferred language or the region that you are in.

    Statistics Cookies

    Statistics cookies help me understand how visitors interact with my websites by collecting and reporting information about interactions with my websites.

    Advertising Cookies

    For Users in the EEA, UK, and Switzerland

    For users in the EEA, UK or Switzerland, the legal basis for using strictly necessary cookies is Article 6(1)(b) GDPR. For all other cookies, including the third-party applications listed below, i use cookies on the basis of your consent (Article 6(1)(a) GDPR).

    To the extent that i use cookies based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, which will take effect moving forward (but not retroactively). You can withdraw your consent by changing your cookie settings in your account Settings on my websites or as outlined below for specific third-party applications.

    Please note that even if you withdraw your consent, some cookies might not be blocked. Content that other account holders place on my websites (e.g., on their cache pages) in some cases includes links that trigger advertising cookies from third-party sites. Because of the volume of this content, i are not able to identify all of these cookies. Please consider browser-based blocking instead.


    I reserve the right to modify this privacy policy periodically. Whenever i make changes to this privacy policy, i will update the "last updated" date at the top of this page. Please check this privacy policy regularly to stay informed about how i utilize and safeguard your information. If i have your email address, i may also send you an email with details about those modifications.


    The California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) provides California residents with rights to receive certain disclosures regarding the collection, use, and sharing of "Personal Information," as well as rights to access and control Personal Information. The CCPA defines "Personal Information" to mean "information that identifies, relates to, describes, is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular consumer or household." Certain information i collect may be exempt from the CCPA because it is considered public information (i.e., it is made available by a government entity) or covered by a federal privacy law, such as the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

    To the extent that i collect Personal Information that is subject to the CCPA, that information, my practices, and your rights are described below.

    Right to Access Information

    You have the right to request access to Personal Information collected about you and information regarding the source of that information, the purposes for which i collect it, and the third parties and service providers with whom we share it. To protect my customers' Personal Information, i am required to verify your identity before i can act on your request.

    Right to Request Deletion of Information

    You have the right to request in certain circumstances that i delete any Personal Information that i have collected directly from you. To protect my customers' Personal Information, i am required to verify your identity before i can act on your request. I may have a reason under the law why i do not have to comply with your request, or why i may comply with it in a more limited way than you anticipated. If i do, i will explain that to you in my response.

    Right to Opt Out of Sale of Personal Information to Third Parties

    You have the right to opt out of any sale of your personal information by DoctorBool to third parties. If you are a California resident, to exercise this right, please visit my "Do Not Sell My Personal Information" page on the website or in my mobile application settings. Please note that your right to opt out does not apply to my sharing of personal information with service providers, who are parties i engage to perform a function on my behalf and are contractually obligated to use the personal information only for that function.

    Your California Privacy Rights

    Residents of the State of California also have the right to request information regarding third parties to whom i have disclosed certain categories of Personal Information during the preceding year for the third parties’ direct marketing purposes.

    How to Submit a Request

    To make a request to opt out of such disclosure, please contact me at the address in the “How to Contact Us” section or by using my web form.

    You must include the applicable services as the subject line, and your full name, the email address associated with your Pinverse account, if applicable, and postal address in your message.

    Data I Collect

    The following is a description of my data collection practices, including the personal information i collect, the sources of that information, the purposes for which i collect information, and whether i disclose that information to external parties. I may use any and all of the information for any of the purposes described in the Privacy Policy, unless limitations are listed. The categories i use to describe the information are those enumerated in the CCPA.

    • Personal Identifiers:
      • I collect your name, phone number, email address, and contact address when you complete a transaction on my site.
      • If you choose to create an account, i will collect your email address. You will also be asked to create a username, and i will assign one or more unique identifiers to your profile.
      • You provide my payment processing service providers or the applicable app store with payment information, which may be your credit card number or a bank account, when you complete a transaction or sign up for a premium membership. With the payment processor or app store, you have the option to store this information in connection with your account or set up a recurring transaction.
      • I do not collect your Social Security number, driver’s license number, or passport number.
      • I do not collect any medical information or health information about you.
      • I collect your IP address automatically when you use my services.
      • I collect your device ID automatically when you use my services.
    • Protected Classifications: I may collect your age in order to comply with laws that restrict collection and disclosure of personal information belonging to minors. I do not collect your gender, racial or ethnic origin, or sexual orientation.
    • Commercial Information: When you engage in transactions with me, i create records of goods or services purchased or considered, as well as purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies.
    • Biometric Information: I do not collect information about your physiological, biological, or behavioral characteristics.
    • Internet or Other Electronic Network Activity Information: I collect information about your browsing history, search history, and information regarding your interaction with websites, applications, or advertisements automatically when you use my services.
    • Geolocation Data: As described above, i collect your IP address automatically when you use my services. I may be able to determine your general location based on the IP address. When you use the services for the first time, i ask for your permission to collect your precise geolocation (e.g., your GPS coordinates). If you allow your device to provide me with this information, i use it to provide you with the services and to make improvements to my products and services. Additionally, you have the option to add a Home Location in your private profile information for purposes of seeing events and caches near you. I also store the location of your most recent search to help provide services that are relevant to your location.
    • Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar information: If you contact me via phone, i may record the call. I will notify you if a call is being recorded at the beginning of the call. I do not collect your image or any thermal, olfactory, or similar information.
    • Professional or employment-related information: I do not collect employment-related information from my users except to the extent that they are applying for an open position with me.
    • Education information: I do not collect any information about the institutions you have attended or the level of education you have attained.
    • Inferences drawn to create a profile about a consumer reflecting the consumer’s preferences or characteristics: I may analyze your actual or likely preferences through a series of computer processes. On some occasions, i may add my observations to your internal profile.

    Data Sharing

    I may share any of the above-listed information with service providers, which are external parties that i engage for business purposes. Service providers are prohibited from using Personal Information for any purpose that is not related to my engagement. The categories of service providers with whom i share information and the services they provide are described in the section above called "Sharing of Personal Information". On certain occasions, my sharing of information with third parties may be considered a "sale", as the term is defined under California law. Such sharing may be considered a sale because the purpose of sharing is not an enumerated business purpose under California law or because my contract does not prohibit them from using Personal Information for other purposes. To "sell" information means to disclose it to an external party for monetary or other benefit. I sell the following information:

    Personal Identifiers. I provide your IP address and Device ID to my advertising partners. I also provide certain geocaching information to my Authorized Developers, as provided in my privacy policy, for the purpose of creating geocaching applications and websites. This information includes your username, your avatar pictures, images, geocache and trackable logs. You can opt out of sharing your information with Authorized Developers in your account Settings.

    Inferences drawn to create a profile about a consumer reflecting the consumer’s preferences or characteristics. Cookies dropped on your browser may collect observations about you that are shared to my advertising partners. You can opt out of advertising cookies using the tools on my site or by visiting Google and using "Ads Settings" to set your preferences. The website offers a single place to turn off targeted ads serving from any of its members.


    If you reside in Nevada, my use of your information is governed by Nevada law. This section applies only to Nevada residents.

    Personal Information Collected and Purposes of Use

    I collect certain personal information of Nevada consumers as identified in the section above called: "Categories of Personal Information". I collect this personal information for the purposes identified in the section above called "Use of Personal Information".

    Your Privacy Rights

    You have the right to access and correct your personal information or opt-out of the sale of personal information. If you would like to review, correct, or update your personal information, you or your authorized representative may submit your request via email. I will respond to your verified request as soon as reasonably practicable, but no later than sixty (60) days after receipt.

    If circumstances cause any delay in my response, you will be promptly notified and provided a date for my response.

    I generally do not disclose or share personal information for profit. Under Nevada law, you have the right to direct me to not sell or license your personal information to third parties. To exercise this right, if applicable, you or your authorized representative may submit a request via email. I will respond to your verified request as soon as reasonably practicable, but no later than sixty (60) days after receipt. If circumstances cause any delay in my response, you will be promptly notified and provided a date for my response.


    If you have any inquiries regarding privacy, the most efficient and prompt way to get in touch with me is via

    I will address all valid requests within a month and will reach out to you if we require further details from you to fulfill your request. For instance, i might ask you to provide me with information necessary to verify your identity, such as your username and password, the email address linked to your account, or additional details that will aid me in comprehending, evaluating, and appropriately addressing your inquiry.

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    The request cannot be processed